项目地址:裕和天地项目面积:177㎡户 型:平 层
01 / 玄关
THE Vestibule
入户以大理石的石材纹理铺就舒适安心的归家路径,并以这样热忱的方式回应着自然,空间从内到外,以极强的感召力,牵引着人的情绪和心境。When entering the house, the stone texture of marble paves a comfortable and reassuring path to return home, and responds to nature in such a passionate way. The space from inside to outside, with a strong appeal, leads people's mood and mood.
02 / 客厅
THE Living room
柔软布艺沙发、细腻撞色抱枕、金属灯饰的融入,舒适的材质及流畅的线条,让空间定格成精致温馨的画面,电视背景墙的木饰面、线形灯与艺术挂画增加了层次造型感。The integration of soft fabric sofa, exquisite color contrast pillow and metal lighting, comfortable materials and smooth lines make the space freeze into a delicate and warm picture. The wood veneer of the TV background wall, linear lights and art hanging pictures increase the sense of hierarchical modeling.
设计师在电视背景墙选用大面积艺术漆和局部木饰面,运用柔和的光影增加了宁静的氛围,丰富了空间的整体细节,深与浅之间的对比,让空间的层次感更加分明。The designer selects large-area artistic paint and local wood veneer on the TV background wall, and uses soft light and shadow to increase the quiet atmosphere, enrich the overall details of the space, and the contrast between deep and shallow makes the sense of hierarchy of the space more distinct.
03 / 餐厅THE Dining room
餐厅整体搭配和谐又自然,玻璃酒柜辅以内置灯带点缀,提升了整体质感,彰显业主高端的生活品味,让每一次的就餐变得温馨而浪漫。The overall collocation of the restaurant is harmonious and natural. The glass wine cabinet is complemented by the built-in light band, which improves the overall texture, highlights the owner's high-end life taste, and makes every meal warm and romantic.
餐厅是一日三餐,也是良辰美景,它代表着一个家的温度,不仅是下班后的能量补充站,更是家人间交流的浪漫小天地。The restaurant has three meals a day and beautiful scenery on a beautiful day. It represents the temperature of a home. It is not only an energy supplement station after work, but also a romantic place for family communication.
04 / 卧室THE Bedroom
主卧的设计延续空间的整体风格,以简约的线条和色块,打造宁静雅致的休憩场所,空间的柔软之处体现于家具、床品的品质,构建身体尺度的舒适与放松,通过精致的细节,推敲出生活的仪式感,简单、舒适是其专属解答。The design of the master bedroom continues the overall style of the space, creating a quiet and elegant rest place with simple lines and color blocks. The softness of the space is reflected in the quality of furniture and bedding, building the comfort and relaxation of the body scale, and elaborating the ritual sense of life through exquisite details. Simplicity and comfort are its exclusive solution.
05 / 书房THE Study
书房空间设计线条简单又不失时尚感,一台将艺术融入生活的钢琴让空间增色不少,大体上显得整洁、利落、明朗。The design line of the study space is simple without losing the sense of fashion. A piano that integrates art into life adds a lot of color to the space, and generally appears neat, neat and bright.
图文编辑 I 陈莉莉
Graphic editing I Lily Chen